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Why You actually Need a 3D Printer

You want a 3D printer, but it's not that simple. You need to make a compelling argument to the person approving your budget. Don't worry – there are lots of ways teachers, classes, and entire schools can make use of a 3D printer. There are real reasons for getting one and true benefits to students learning and using 3D printing technology


Why 3D Printing Matters

Classroom 3d printingImproves EngagementImproves Engagement

Imagine your classroom with students all looking at a large picture of an engine. Now imagine that engine as a 3D printed model with each component as something students can touch and play with. Your engagement level just shot through the roof. 

Saves MoneySaves Money

A one-time purchase of a 3D printer gives you models and replicas of anything you can imagine. No more borrowing replicas, no worries about something getting broken, and no ordering models from a third party. Everything can be printed or replicated in-house.

3d PrintingBuilds Problem Solving SkillsBuilds Problem
Solving Skills

Tangible materials are a much faster and easier way for students to identify and correct mistakes in their own ideas and designs. 3D printing projects gets them to think on their feet and learn iterative designing. The ability to incorporate fast-paced trial and error also teaches students resiliency.

Reinforces Current Industry PreacticesReinforces Current Industry Practices

Technology integration into classrooms is important in prepping students for what's ahead. 3D printers are just one part of the larger future technology puzzle. Your students need to keep up with technological trends if they're going to excel.


STEAMtrax CurriculumSTEAMtrax K – 12 Curriculum

This curriculum prepares students for STEM learning programs. 3D printer usage is specific to these lessons, for example, a 5th grade science class would print 3D shells for hermit crabs. There are many STEM grants that can help fund 3D printers in schools.  

Looking Forward

3D printing isn't going anywhere. It's going to become a more accessible technology that you can integrate into your teachings as a learning tool. Imagine when textbooks come with 3D printer model instructions. What if you could teach students to reverse engineer a machine using a 3D printed model? Your students are growing up in a world where houses and prosthetic limbs are being 3D printed in a matter of hours. Make sure they're ready.  

Specific Examples of 3d Printing

It's fine to say that 3D printing is an innovative learning tool, but how does that translate into your classroom? Here are some quick examples:


Math – use models to help students who may have trouble envisioning graphs on paper.

Geology – 3D print earthquake data or make to scale models of historical landmarks. Not sold? 3D printing helped land a shuttle on a comet.

History – artifacts, artifacts, artifacts! Nix the field trip and print replicas in the classroom – they're not fragile and the 'look but don't touch' motto goes out the door.

Science – squeamish about dead frogs (or don't have access)? Create a 3D printed dissection model to be used over and over again.


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